RNLI Face to Face fundraiser Richard Pakenham stood smiling at the camera, wearing a dark blue RNLI jacket at Portrush beach, Northern Ireland.

About the role

Your new job could be a lifesaver – raise funds and share vital safety advice
RNLI/Ben Lamming

What does face-to-face fundraising involve?

  • You’ll share inspiring stories of volunteer crews and lifeguards with beachgoers and people at events.  
  • You’ll help teach members of the public how to stay safe in and around water.
  • You’ll sign supporters up for a regular donation to the RNLI.  
  • You’ll meet and chat with lots of people. 
  • You’ll be highly trained to meet ambitious fundraising targets.  
  • And the best part? The work you do will help save lives. 

Our season dates are flexible, but standard working hours are usually 10am–5pm. There is a variety of roles available, from year-round to seasonal, full and part-time. 

Read the full face-to-face fundraising job description.

What are the benefits of becoming a face-to-face fundraiser?

  • This is a great role for your CV. 
  • You’ll be paid to work for a respected charity. 
  • You’ll have the chance to develop your professional and personal skills. 
  • You’ll receive competitive rates of pay and you’ll also get enrolled into our reward scheme, so we can recognise and thank you for your achievements.  
  • If you are looking to work for a charity in future, then this role will provide you with skills that truly benefit fundraising careers. 

Where can you work as a face-to-face fundraiser? 

There are 10 regions around the UK and Ireland where you could be working as a face-to-face fundraiser. We prefer to place fundraisers in their local area. So when you apply, please select the area nearest to where you live.

Hear from our face-to-face fundraisers

  • RNLI face-to-face fundraiser Kate, with long wavy brown hair, smiling in a blue RNLI hat and coat with Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, in the background
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    Kate, RNLI Face-to-face Fundraiser

    I wanted a flexible job role so I could work around my family. I think you can lose your identity a little bit when you have children, and I felt the need to find who I was. Now I get to talk to lots of people from different walks of life, and it’s really brought me out of myself.

  • RNLI face-to-face fundraiser David, smiling in a blue RNLI jacket and hat, with Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, in the background
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    David, RNLI Face-to-face Fundraiser

    I was an engineer for 38 years. I had a really good career. But I wasn’t getting any satisfaction from it, so I decided it was time for a change. I’ve gone from working inside a smoky factory to working on beaches and harboursides. The job satisfaction is amazing – it’s the best feeling knowing you might be saving someone’s life.

  • Yasmin, a face-to-face fundraiser with long dark hair, smiling, in a blue RNLI shirt with the sea in the background
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    Yasmin, RNLI Face-to-face Fundraiser
    Yasmin was new to fundraising when she joined us. She is from Birmingham, so the thought of a summer on the beach having the 'time of her life' was too appealing to resist!
  • Jim Hall, RNLI face-to-face fundraiser wearing a blue RNLI fleece jacket on Poole high street
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    Jim, RNLI Face-to-face Fundraiser
    I love being out and about, talking to people, and working with such a lovely bunch of people. As well as raising money we’re giving out safety messages. Children in particular are eager to absorb the safety advice, and you could share something that saves their life one day. The RNLI is such an important emergency service and being able to contribute is just an honour.
  • Maya Masi, RNLI face-to-face fundraiser smiling wearing a blue RNLI jacket and beanie hat on the beach
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    Maya, RNLI Face-to-face Fundraiser
    I’d always seen people working on the beaches and loved the idea of working outdoors, especially for such a brilliant charity. I’m autistic, and it’s a part of who I am – my brain is just wired a bit differently to other people’s. I was a bit unsure about whether I’d be a good candidate but was really happy when they said yes.
  • RNLI face-to-face fundraiser Sadie with long fair hair and glasses, smiling in a blue RNLI jacket, with the St Ives Shannon class lifeboat in the background
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    Sadie, RNLI Face-to-face Fundraiser

    I have cerebral palsy, which is a brain injury that mainly affects my hands and feet. This job has really helped me with recovery from operations, and they’ve been really accommodating. It’s really benefited my communication skills – I’m much more comfortable speaking to people now. You should do this job because it helps you grow in all aspects.

A day in the life of a fundraiser

Want to know more?

Face to face fundraisers standing side by side on a beach
Become a face-to-face fundraiser
Love the idea of working outdoors at exciting locations, making a difference to thousands of people every day? Becoming a face-to-face fundraiser is the perfect job for you.
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Two face to face (F2F) fundraisers at the beach stood next to a tent filled with RNLI collateral
Job search
Whether you’re looking for a full-time or part-time fundraising job, we’ve got a range of hours available all year round. No matter your experience, there’s a role for you.
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